Friday, March 24, 2006

Training the SWAT Mind

As SWAT Officers we train for and prepare to provide a tactical resolution to a variety of high risk incidents. Ultimately SWAT must be prepared to use their training, equipment, and expertise to go head to head with an armed suspect(s). This is where there are no second chances, and very limited time to act. How then do we prepare ourselves to think on our feet, make quick decisions, and have the winning mindset?

Our traditional firearms training has placed the focus on ‘how to shoot’. It is now time to place our focus on improving our performance in applying our skills in real life deadly force encounters.

Basically put, we must win every time! How then do we not only train our skills but also train to have that “winning mindset”. To start we can look at professional athletes focusing mostly on those that constantly win. A statistical fact is that in competition ninety-five percent of all winning is done by only five percent of the participants.

Read the complete article at Training the SWAT Mind

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