This report represents a compilation and new analysis of data on the effects and consequences of violent crime among American Indians. The report uses data from a wide variety of sources, including statistical series maintained by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the FBI, and the Bureau of the Census. Data are reported from American Indian crime victims on how they were affected by the victimization and about who victimized them. The report also includes the first BJS estimates of the total number of American Indians under the custody or supervision of the justice system.
The findings reveal a disturbing picture of American Indian involvement in crime as both victims and offenders. The rate of violent victimization estimated from responses by American Indians is well above that of other U.S. racial or ethnic subgroups and is more than twice as high as the national average. This disparity in the rates of violence affecting American Indians occurs across age groups, housing locations, income groups, and sexes.
With respect to the offender, two findings are perhaps most notable: American Indians are more likely than people of other races to experience violence at the hands of someone of a different race, and the criminal victimizer is more likely to have consumed alcohol preceding the offense. However, the victim/offender relationships of American Indians parallel that of all victims of violence.
On a given day, an estimated 1 in 25 American Indians age 18 or older is under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system -- 2.4 times the per capita rate of whites and 9.3 times the per capita rate of Asians. But black Americans, with a per capita rate nearly double that of American Indians, are more likely to be under the care or custody of correctional authorities.
This report is the first step in a vigorous BJS effort to document issues of crime and justice affecting American Indians. Statistical programs have been instituted to learn more about tribal criminal justice agencies, such as law enforcement and confinement facilities, and these will complement data available from other BJS series covering the justice system.
This study was prepared as a resource to respond to frequent inquiries. Since the number of American Indians in our annual samples are inadequate to provide definitive statistics, this report cumulates data from over a 5-year period. I hope that this report will serve as a foundation for other reports and discussions about how best to address the problem of crime affecting this segment of our population.
BJS has undertaken improvements in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), designed to improve future data collection on crime and its consequences for American Indians. This year BJS enhanced the NCVS to permit future analyses to report statistics on victimizations occurring on tribal lands. In addition, victim descriptions of the offender were modified to permit greater precision in future statistics about the victim's perceptions of the offender's race. Together, these NCVS upgrades will result in much greater detail about both locations of crime incidents and perpetrators.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Six sheriff's offices in North Central Florida and the University of Florida are partners in a National Institute of Justice grant that was designed to enhance research skills among the partners as they relate specifically to community law enforcement. In addition, the grant was designed to develop a program intervention related to the communication skills of deputies and then investigate the impact of this intervention on attitudes toward the deputies. Finally, the grant was designed to enhance the partnership so that it would continue into the future.
The specific sheriff’s offices that are involved in the partnership are as follows:
Alachua County Sheriffs Office
Gilchrest County Sheriff's Office
Columbia County Sheriffs Office
Putnam County Sheriffs Office
Levy County Sheriffs Office
Union County Sheriffs Office
Most of these counties are very small and rural and may not have the analytical research skills for examining their community law enforcement and other programs. The Florida Survey Research Center (FSRC) provides the data collection and analyze skills for the project.
The four specific components of the grant are as follows: Provide Presentation Workshops on Approaches to Research; The FSRC developed a series of six presentation workshops for the partners; The presentation workshops brought individuals who had expertise in various aspects of research that would be of great value to the law enforcement partners; and, The workshop presentations that were given are as follows: approaches to research; policy analysis; program evaluation; survey research; strategic management; and, geographic information systems.
The specific sheriff’s offices that are involved in the partnership are as follows:
Alachua County Sheriffs Office
Gilchrest County Sheriff's Office
Columbia County Sheriffs Office
Putnam County Sheriffs Office
Levy County Sheriffs Office
Union County Sheriffs Office
Most of these counties are very small and rural and may not have the analytical research skills for examining their community law enforcement and other programs. The Florida Survey Research Center (FSRC) provides the data collection and analyze skills for the project.
The four specific components of the grant are as follows: Provide Presentation Workshops on Approaches to Research; The FSRC developed a series of six presentation workshops for the partners; The presentation workshops brought individuals who had expertise in various aspects of research that would be of great value to the law enforcement partners; and, The workshop presentations that were given are as follows: approaches to research; policy analysis; program evaluation; survey research; strategic management; and, geographic information systems.
Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology
DNA technology is increasingly vital to ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. DNA can be used to identify criminals with incredible accuracy when biological evidence exists, and DNA can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes.
The current federal and state DNA collection and analysis system needs improvement. In many instances, public crime labs are overwhelmed by backlogs of unanalyzed DNA samples. In addition, these labs may be ill-equipped to handle the increasing influx of DNA samples and evidence. The problems of backlogs and the lack of up-to-date technology result in significant delays in the administration of justice. More research is needed to develop faster methods for analyzing DNA evidence. Professionals involved in the criminal justice system need additional training and assistance in order to ensure the optimal use of DNA evidence to solve crimes and assist victims. And the criminal justice system needs the means to provide DNA testing in appropriate circumstances for individuals who assert that they have been wrongly convicted.
President Bush believes we must do more to realize the full potential of DNA technology to solve crime and protect the innocent. The President has proposed $232.6 million in federal funding in FY 2004 for his initiative, Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology, and calls for continuing this level of funding for five years – a total commitment of over $1 billion. Under the President’s initiative, the Attorney General will improve the use of DNA in the criminal justice system – especially in federal, state, and local forensic laboratories – by providing funds, training and assistance to ensure that this technology reaches its full potential.
The current federal and state DNA collection and analysis system needs improvement. In many instances, public crime labs are overwhelmed by backlogs of unanalyzed DNA samples. In addition, these labs may be ill-equipped to handle the increasing influx of DNA samples and evidence. The problems of backlogs and the lack of up-to-date technology result in significant delays in the administration of justice. More research is needed to develop faster methods for analyzing DNA evidence. Professionals involved in the criminal justice system need additional training and assistance in order to ensure the optimal use of DNA evidence to solve crimes and assist victims. And the criminal justice system needs the means to provide DNA testing in appropriate circumstances for individuals who assert that they have been wrongly convicted.
President Bush believes we must do more to realize the full potential of DNA technology to solve crime and protect the innocent. The President has proposed $232.6 million in federal funding in FY 2004 for his initiative, Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology, and calls for continuing this level of funding for five years – a total commitment of over $1 billion. Under the President’s initiative, the Attorney General will improve the use of DNA in the criminal justice system – especially in federal, state, and local forensic laboratories – by providing funds, training and assistance to ensure that this technology reaches its full potential.
criminal justice system,
Adolescent Violence: A View From the Street
Typically, studies on violence have focused on propensity, that is, on who is or is not likely to become violent. But propensity models do not account for the transactional, contingent nature of violence or for within-person variability over time or place. Further, they cannot explain the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a violent event—that mixture of motivation, context, and facilitation that channels arousal or other actions into actual violence or the failure of an event to escalate to violence despite the presence of the dynamic factors that would make it likely.
Researchers at Columbia University's Center for Violence Research and Prevention are conducting a qualitative, multistage study on adolescent violence that draws strategically from theories of cognitive and developmental psychology to construct a situational framework for understanding violent behavior. Cosponsors of this research include the
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.
Researchers at Columbia University's Center for Violence Research and Prevention are conducting a qualitative, multistage study on adolescent violence that draws strategically from theories of cognitive and developmental psychology to construct a situational framework for understanding violent behavior. Cosponsors of this research include the
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.
Addressing Youth Victimization
The Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention published Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan in 1996. This report established eight objectives as the foundation for innovative and effective action by Federal, State, and local governments, in partnership with private sector organizations, to reduce juvenile violence and victimization. This Bulletin, the first in a series on the implementation of the Action Plan, summarizes the accomplishments of Council member agencies in meeting one of the Action Plan’s eight objectives and numerous related action steps.
Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan (Action Plan) presented effective strategies to reduce juvenile violence, delinquency, and victimization and provided information about Federal training, technical assistance, grants, research, evaluation, and other resources. Each section of the Action Plan addressed one of eight objectives and outlined relevant research, programs that had been evaluated, and successful strategies for meeting that objective. The Action Plan also identified specific action steps that Federal agencies could take to work toward each objective.
This Bulletin focuses on objective 5: "Break the cycle of violence by addressing youth victimization, abuse, and neglect." Following the organization of the Action Plan, the first section presents recent data on juvenile victimization and compares it with data in the Action Plan; the second section discusses victimization trends; the third section discusses effective and promising strategies and programs; and the fourth section provides updated information on Federal programs since 1996.
Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan (Action Plan) presented effective strategies to reduce juvenile violence, delinquency, and victimization and provided information about Federal training, technical assistance, grants, research, evaluation, and other resources. Each section of the Action Plan addressed one of eight objectives and outlined relevant research, programs that had been evaluated, and successful strategies for meeting that objective. The Action Plan also identified specific action steps that Federal agencies could take to work toward each objective.
This Bulletin focuses on objective 5: "Break the cycle of violence by addressing youth victimization, abuse, and neglect." Following the organization of the Action Plan, the first section presents recent data on juvenile victimization and compares it with data in the Action Plan; the second section discusses victimization trends; the third section discusses effective and promising strategies and programs; and the fourth section provides updated information on Federal programs since 1996.
Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners
Over the past few years the nation has experienced an alarming number of disturbing and sometimes deadly hate crimes. The dragging death of African-American James Byrd, Jr., in Jasper, Texas; the deadly attack on Matthew Sheppard, a gay student in Laramie, Wyoming; the shooting rampage targeting minority citizens in Chicago; and the shootings of children at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles, California, followed by the murder of Joseph Santos Ileto, a Filipino-American mail carrier, have left a trail of dead or wounded victims and traumatized, fearful communities. During this time many other Americans have been the victims of far less publicized hate crimes motivated by their perpetrators' bias toward their perceived racial or ethnic identity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or disability. These less well known hate crimes resulted in similar levels of injury and trauma to both the victims and the communities.
The nation has reacted to these hate crimes with energy and ingenuity. Responses include clear and strong condemnation from religious, civic, and governmental leaders; efforts to strengthen state and federal hate crime laws; innovative preventive programs in schools; and additional resources for training police officers and prosecutors.
Police officers generally are the first professionals responding to the scene of a hate crime. Their actions significantly affect the outcome of the criminal investigation as well as the community's response to the incident. Therefore, law enforcement agencies have a pivotal role in responding to, investigating, prosecuting, and preventing hate crimes. To successfully carry out their roles, police officers and prosecutors must receive training on recognizing and investigating potential hate crimes, have clear protocols on how to respond to hate violence, and develop innovative programs for preventing and responding to hate crimes.
The nation has reacted to these hate crimes with energy and ingenuity. Responses include clear and strong condemnation from religious, civic, and governmental leaders; efforts to strengthen state and federal hate crime laws; innovative preventive programs in schools; and additional resources for training police officers and prosecutors.
Police officers generally are the first professionals responding to the scene of a hate crime. Their actions significantly affect the outcome of the criminal investigation as well as the community's response to the incident. Therefore, law enforcement agencies have a pivotal role in responding to, investigating, prosecuting, and preventing hate crimes. To successfully carry out their roles, police officers and prosecutors must receive training on recognizing and investigating potential hate crimes, have clear protocols on how to respond to hate violence, and develop innovative programs for preventing and responding to hate crimes.
Addressing Community Gang Problems: A Model for Problem Solving
In October 1991 the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) entered into a cooperative agreement with the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to develop a Comprehensive Gang Initiative prototype model aimed at combating gang-related criminal activity by incorporating both prevention and crime control initiatives. The purpose of this monograph is to provide direction in identifying, analyzing, and responding to gang-related problems and in assessing results in an effective way. Any community facing chronic or emerging gang problems can use this document together with training and technical assistance to determine how best to implement the Comprehensive Gang Initiative.
The Comprehensive Gang Initiative model is based on the following principles: Adaptability. The model can be applied to a variety of gang-related problems within a jurisdiction and to those problems faced by a variety of jurisdictions; Flexibility. Modifications can be made in response to, or in anticipation of, changes within gangs, in gang problems as a result of anti-gang efforts, or in circumstances within communities; Multifaceted approach. The model involves various government and private agencies that simultaneously address the many factors that give rise to and sustain gang problems, and it supports direct community participation in intervention efforts.
The Comprehensive Gang Initiative model is based on the following principles: Adaptability. The model can be applied to a variety of gang-related problems within a jurisdiction and to those problems faced by a variety of jurisdictions; Flexibility. Modifications can be made in response to, or in anticipation of, changes within gangs, in gang problems as a result of anti-gang efforts, or in circumstances within communities; Multifaceted approach. The model involves various government and private agencies that simultaneously address the many factors that give rise to and sustain gang problems, and it supports direct community participation in intervention efforts.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Integrated Intelligence and Crime Analysis: Enhanced Information Management for Law Enforcement Leaders
Law enforcement executives are increasingly recognizing that they are no longer in an information-poor world: data and information about the criminal environment and criminal activity abound. The challenge is to corral this wealth of data into knowledge that can enhance decision making, improve strategies to combat crime, and increase crime prevention benefits. In other words, the aim is to convert data and information into actionable intelligence. In many cases, however, this increase in data has not necessarily translated to an increase in knowledge. The structure of information handling processes within policing is not set up for the new millennium and ideas about intelligence management and dissemination from the 1970s still pervade the thinking and organizational culture of police agencies in the twenty-first century.
While many executives get access to crime analysis, sometimes through Compstat meetings or similar briefings, criminal intelligence is not integrated into the picture and executives make key decisions without access to all of the pertinent knowledge available within their organization. For much of the history of law enforcement, criminal intelligence—information that relates to the activities of criminal individuals or groups of offenders—was retained by specialized units or by individual detectives. Even with the introduction of intelligence units, these analytical groups often kept their information within the narrow confines of their specific unit. The focus of intelligence units was first and foremost on reactive, investigative support. This situation continues in most places today. For example, narcotics intelligence units do not share intelligence beyond their units, and street gang intelligence units do the same. In the new environment of intelligenceled policing, these information silos are too valuable as strategic resources for the whole police department to squander on the needs of an individual investigator or unit.
As we learn more about the abilities of organized crime groups to involve themselves in a range of criminal enterprises such as street crime, narcotics, human smuggling, and money laundering, it has become necessary to restructure law enforcement analytical services to better reflect this criminal environment. The risks are too high to stick with unit isolation and specialization out of simple bureaucratic convenience.
While many executives get access to crime analysis, sometimes through Compstat meetings or similar briefings, criminal intelligence is not integrated into the picture and executives make key decisions without access to all of the pertinent knowledge available within their organization. For much of the history of law enforcement, criminal intelligence—information that relates to the activities of criminal individuals or groups of offenders—was retained by specialized units or by individual detectives. Even with the introduction of intelligence units, these analytical groups often kept their information within the narrow confines of their specific unit. The focus of intelligence units was first and foremost on reactive, investigative support. This situation continues in most places today. For example, narcotics intelligence units do not share intelligence beyond their units, and street gang intelligence units do the same. In the new environment of intelligenceled policing, these information silos are too valuable as strategic resources for the whole police department to squander on the needs of an individual investigator or unit.
As we learn more about the abilities of organized crime groups to involve themselves in a range of criminal enterprises such as street crime, narcotics, human smuggling, and money laundering, it has become necessary to restructure law enforcement analytical services to better reflect this criminal environment. The risks are too high to stick with unit isolation and specialization out of simple bureaucratic convenience.
crime analysis,
law enforcement,
organized crime,
street gang
Vital Partners: Mayors and Police Chiefs Working Together
Through effective partnerships among mayors, police chiefs, and municipal agencies, cities and towns across America have enhanced the safety and well-being of children and youth. The initiatives profiled in this report address a broad range of concerns, but they share four critical elements: the belief that collaboration is essential for achieving results; a commitment to community oriented policing strategies on a citywide basis or in targeted neighborhoods; a focus on key indicators to preserve momentum and measure progress; and efforts to craft a shared community vision that can sustain these partnerships over time. Each initiative in its own way has played an important role in protecting and nurturing the next generation.
Forging Collaborations Between Mayors and Law Enforcement Leaders Municipal partnerships are launched for many different reasons, but the catalyst that brings mayors, police chiefs, and other city agencies together often is the recognition that neither the city nor its young people can thrive without such collaborative efforts. In New Haven, Connecticut, the mayor and police chief responded to concerns about the effects of street violence on children. In Boston, Massachusetts, and New Brighton, Minnesota, the inspiration for cities arose from one or more neighborhoods where violent crimes were most likely to occur. And in still other cities, the motivation to act grew out of a desire to prevent potential problems (e.g., Chula Vista, California’s launch of the Olweus bullying prevention program or Sallisaw, Oklahoma’s adaptation of school-based substance abuse prevention strategies) or to continue building on progress (e.g., the aspirations of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and Fort Worth, Texas, to earn a top ranking as the safest city in the nation).
Forging Collaborations Between Mayors and Law Enforcement Leaders Municipal partnerships are launched for many different reasons, but the catalyst that brings mayors, police chiefs, and other city agencies together often is the recognition that neither the city nor its young people can thrive without such collaborative efforts. In New Haven, Connecticut, the mayor and police chief responded to concerns about the effects of street violence on children. In Boston, Massachusetts, and New Brighton, Minnesota, the inspiration for cities arose from one or more neighborhoods where violent crimes were most likely to occur. And in still other cities, the motivation to act grew out of a desire to prevent potential problems (e.g., Chula Vista, California’s launch of the Olweus bullying prevention program or Sallisaw, Oklahoma’s adaptation of school-based substance abuse prevention strategies) or to continue building on progress (e.g., the aspirations of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and Fort Worth, Texas, to earn a top ranking as the safest city in the nation).
Inter-Agency Response to Domestic Violence in a Medium Sized City
Inter-agency work is a key feature of many crime prevention and community safety efforts and part of the foundation of modern policing. No longer is crime control viewed as solely the purview of the police, but rather as an outcome for which many agencies share responsibility. As acceptance of this idea has increased, inter-agency collaborative efforts have multiplied. Nowhere have these coordinated community crime control efforts been more fully recognized and advanced than in efforts to address domestic violence.
The present study examines one city’s efforts to reduce domestic violence through the coordinated work of the city police department and a wide range of criminal justice, social services, and community agencies. The city (here, and throughout this report, anonymous) is in the mid-Atlantic region of the country, has approximately 200,000 residents, and a police department with approximately 700 police officers. This research entailed study of an interagency domestic violence coalition, the Domestic Violence Coordinating Committee (DVCC), as well as two separate exploratory analyses of the city police department’s domestic violence data.
After presenting the methodology and literature review, the findings of this study are presented in two parts. The first part pertains to the history and current state of the DVCC and includes Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 is a description of the inception of DVCC and its evolution up until the year 2000 when the field research for this project began. Chapter 5 is a description of the DVCC at the time of the field research, a description of the domestic violence service community of which the DVCC is a part, a discussion of the perspectives about the police department expressed by members of the domestic violence service community, and a list of recommendations for improving police response to domestic violence developed by the Police Foundation.
The second part is comprised of Chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 6 is an analysis of the practice known as dual arrest, where police officers arrest both parties in an intimate assault. This exploratory analysis includes comparisons among cases resulting in issuance of a warrant, single arrest, and dual arrest as well as logistic regression analysis testing the relationship between case characteristics and dual arrest. Chapter 7 explores the utility of spatially analyzing reported intimate assault data by using several different methods to map these crimes and compare geographic patterns to neighborhood demographic characteristics.
Because this report covers a wide range of topics within the broad area of domestic violence, it is written so that each chapter ties in with the others, but contains a distinct qualitative or quantitative analysis that can be read separately. For this reason, each chapter includes its own conclusions, references, and in some cases summaries of relevant literature. Therefore, except for a general summary of literature on inter-agency domestic violence work, there are no overall summaries of literature, references, or conclusions.
The concern of this project is violence committed against one member of a current or past intimate couple by the other, which we refer to as intimate violence. “Domestic violence” is a broader term used to describe intimate violence as well as violence between non-intimate familial or household members. In the chapters summarizing literature and describing the DVCC, we use the term “domestic violence,” because this is a term conventionally used by interagency approaches; but regardless of the term used, throughout this report, our subject is intimate violence.
The present study examines one city’s efforts to reduce domestic violence through the coordinated work of the city police department and a wide range of criminal justice, social services, and community agencies. The city (here, and throughout this report, anonymous) is in the mid-Atlantic region of the country, has approximately 200,000 residents, and a police department with approximately 700 police officers. This research entailed study of an interagency domestic violence coalition, the Domestic Violence Coordinating Committee (DVCC), as well as two separate exploratory analyses of the city police department’s domestic violence data.
After presenting the methodology and literature review, the findings of this study are presented in two parts. The first part pertains to the history and current state of the DVCC and includes Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 is a description of the inception of DVCC and its evolution up until the year 2000 when the field research for this project began. Chapter 5 is a description of the DVCC at the time of the field research, a description of the domestic violence service community of which the DVCC is a part, a discussion of the perspectives about the police department expressed by members of the domestic violence service community, and a list of recommendations for improving police response to domestic violence developed by the Police Foundation.
The second part is comprised of Chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 6 is an analysis of the practice known as dual arrest, where police officers arrest both parties in an intimate assault. This exploratory analysis includes comparisons among cases resulting in issuance of a warrant, single arrest, and dual arrest as well as logistic regression analysis testing the relationship between case characteristics and dual arrest. Chapter 7 explores the utility of spatially analyzing reported intimate assault data by using several different methods to map these crimes and compare geographic patterns to neighborhood demographic characteristics.
Because this report covers a wide range of topics within the broad area of domestic violence, it is written so that each chapter ties in with the others, but contains a distinct qualitative or quantitative analysis that can be read separately. For this reason, each chapter includes its own conclusions, references, and in some cases summaries of relevant literature. Therefore, except for a general summary of literature on inter-agency domestic violence work, there are no overall summaries of literature, references, or conclusions.
The concern of this project is violence committed against one member of a current or past intimate couple by the other, which we refer to as intimate violence. “Domestic violence” is a broader term used to describe intimate violence as well as violence between non-intimate familial or household members. In the chapters summarizing literature and describing the DVCC, we use the term “domestic violence,” because this is a term conventionally used by interagency approaches; but regardless of the term used, throughout this report, our subject is intimate violence.
Deputy Sheriff Authors
March 29, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added three deputy sheriffs who have written books.
Danni Hartmann Eldridge joined the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in February of 1967. She was deputy sheriff for more than 20 years, retiring in September of 1987. Prior to becoming a sworn employee of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, she was a civilian employee for the Los Angeles Police Department. Danni Eldridge was the first female to lift in the California Police Olympics. Even though her opposition was of the male, she placed 4th. In 1982, Danni Eldridge won the Athlete of the Year Award for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. She was inducted into the California Power-lifting Hall of Fame in March, 2004. Danni Hartmann Eldridge is the author of two books: Valley Investigations: No Common Sense and And the Beat Goes on: Valley Investigations.
Stephen J. Hemenway is a deputy sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. In addition to having an associate degree in Administration of Justice, he is a member of BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.), the International Police Association and the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. In 1993, Steve began writing “The Slouch in the Couch” series of children’s learning books. People loved it and huge success followed. He formed a band and Incorporated, “The Slouch & Friends, Inc.” Stephen Hemenway is the author of The Slouch in the Couch, Never Jump on a Grump and The Stinkells in Stankwell.
According to the book description of Never Jump on a Grump, “This book is Book #2 in the continuing series of The Slouch In The Couch learning books. In the World of the Magical Couch, Elroy Slouchinski becomes bored and decides to take a walk into the forbidden hills which lie behind Slouchville. In the hills, he encounters the Grumps and pays no attention to the one rule they have - Never ever, never ever, never ever do you jump, never never never never do you jump on a Grump. This series of books have been written as the "next step" after Dr. Seuss. As your Childs reading progresses, they begin to read "The Slouch In The Couch" stories, which retain the rhyme of Dr. Seuss, but are a little more advanced in reading difficulty. Each story has a moral within itself. Words from the text are taken and placed in the back of the book, called "words of interest" and are defined in simplistic terms to enhance the Childs vocabulary.”
Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz joined the Marine Corps in May of 1962. He received an honorable discharge after over four years of service which included a tour in Vietnam from August 1965 to April 1966. Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz’s retired in 1997 after law enforcement career with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department that spanned more than 28 years. Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz is the author of Nightmares and Thoughts of a Vietnam Vet. now hosts 906 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1911 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Danni Hartmann Eldridge joined the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in February of 1967. She was deputy sheriff for more than 20 years, retiring in September of 1987. Prior to becoming a sworn employee of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, she was a civilian employee for the Los Angeles Police Department. Danni Eldridge was the first female to lift in the California Police Olympics. Even though her opposition was of the male, she placed 4th. In 1982, Danni Eldridge won the Athlete of the Year Award for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. She was inducted into the California Power-lifting Hall of Fame in March, 2004. Danni Hartmann Eldridge is the author of two books: Valley Investigations: No Common Sense and And the Beat Goes on: Valley Investigations.
Stephen J. Hemenway is a deputy sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. In addition to having an associate degree in Administration of Justice, he is a member of BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.), the International Police Association and the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. In 1993, Steve began writing “The Slouch in the Couch” series of children’s learning books. People loved it and huge success followed. He formed a band and Incorporated, “The Slouch & Friends, Inc.” Stephen Hemenway is the author of The Slouch in the Couch, Never Jump on a Grump and The Stinkells in Stankwell.
According to the book description of Never Jump on a Grump, “This book is Book #2 in the continuing series of The Slouch In The Couch learning books. In the World of the Magical Couch, Elroy Slouchinski becomes bored and decides to take a walk into the forbidden hills which lie behind Slouchville. In the hills, he encounters the Grumps and pays no attention to the one rule they have - Never ever, never ever, never ever do you jump, never never never never do you jump on a Grump. This series of books have been written as the "next step" after Dr. Seuss. As your Childs reading progresses, they begin to read "The Slouch In The Couch" stories, which retain the rhyme of Dr. Seuss, but are a little more advanced in reading difficulty. Each story has a moral within itself. Words from the text are taken and placed in the back of the book, called "words of interest" and are defined in simplistic terms to enhance the Childs vocabulary.”
Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz joined the Marine Corps in May of 1962. He received an honorable discharge after over four years of service which included a tour in Vietnam from August 1965 to April 1966. Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz’s retired in 1997 after law enforcement career with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department that spanned more than 28 years. Melquiades “Mike” Ortiz is the author of Nightmares and Thoughts of a Vietnam Vet. now hosts 906 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1911 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Leaders Growing Leaders
Building Your Organization by Developing Leaders-At Every Level
This seminar prepares you for a central task and test of leadership: growing other leaders. Developing new, imaginative approaches to managing succession is critical to successful human capital management, which is drawing increasing Presidential and congressional focus, and is included in the General Accounting Office’s high-risk list of Federal activities. The impending retirement of a large component of senior executives over the next few years is intensifying this interest.
Leaders Growing Leaders is designed to help you understand the leadership gap and to develop innovative approaches to improve the situation in your organization. It draws on years of research that clearly demonstrate that leaders are primarily grown, formally and informally, through challenging job-based experiences and interaction with senior leaders.
How Will You Benefit
Understand the difference between leaders and managers
Learn the best ways to help leaders develop on the job
Discover and demonstrate the essential skills for developing leaders
Learn how to frame your life and work experiences as stories to help others learn leadership lessons
Build and implement an effective succession management plan and initiate other leadership development programs for your organization
Gain experience practicing informal roles as exemplar, mentor, coach, and teacher to help grow the next generation of leaders
This seminar prepares you for a central task and test of leadership: growing other leaders. Developing new, imaginative approaches to managing succession is critical to successful human capital management, which is drawing increasing Presidential and congressional focus, and is included in the General Accounting Office’s high-risk list of Federal activities. The impending retirement of a large component of senior executives over the next few years is intensifying this interest.
Leaders Growing Leaders is designed to help you understand the leadership gap and to develop innovative approaches to improve the situation in your organization. It draws on years of research that clearly demonstrate that leaders are primarily grown, formally and informally, through challenging job-based experiences and interaction with senior leaders.
How Will You Benefit
Understand the difference between leaders and managers
Learn the best ways to help leaders develop on the job
Discover and demonstrate the essential skills for developing leaders
Learn how to frame your life and work experiences as stories to help others learn leadership lessons
Build and implement an effective succession management plan and initiate other leadership development programs for your organization
Gain experience practicing informal roles as exemplar, mentor, coach, and teacher to help grow the next generation of leaders
Saturday, March 29, 2008
900 Police Officers
March 29, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added the 900th police officer who has written a book, Tony Newsom of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Tony Newsom joined the Los Angeles Police Department in 1989. In 1992, he was assigned to the West Valley Division, working with juveniles in the Jeopardy Program. He briefly left the Los Angeles Police Department to form his own personal protection company. Tony Newsom rejoined the Los Angeles Police Department in 2003 and works in the area of community relations. Tony Newsom is the author of Top 10 Crimes - Don't Be the Next Victim, Student Safety Tips: 45 That Every 3rd - 5th Grader Must Know, Middle School Student Safety Tips, High School Student Safety Tips, College Student Safety Tips, Student Safety Tips: 40 That Every 1st - 2nd Grader Must Know and The Parent's Guide For Raising Safer K-12 Students.
According to the book description of Top 10 Crimes, Don’t Be the Next Victim “will help you: Learn how to prevent date rape; Teach your children (and yourself) how to avoid predators; Discover how to avoid dangerous ATM robberies; Find out how to recognize scams and cons before it is too late.”
Other police officers who were added include:
Dr. Michael H. Corcoran has been in the law enforcement field since 1968 and the threat assessment field since 1970 when he entered the United States Secret Service. While in the Protective Intelligence Squad, he assessed the dangerousness of those threatening the President and Vice President of the United States. From 1979 to 2002, he served with the Huntington Beach Police Department (California) as a police officer, sergeant, station commander and chief hostage negotiator. Michael Corcoran is the co-author of Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner's Handbook.
After ten years with the Kern County Sheriff’s Office, Rick Van Horne began teaching in for the Kern High School District. As a third-generation Bakersfield High School alumnus who became a Friday Night Hero, as did his father and son as championship players for the BHS Drillers. Rick Van Horne began his coaching career at BHS in 1984. He later served as head coach at East High and Liberty High (where he guided his team to a Valley Championship in 2001). In 1998, Rick Van Horne was selected All-Area Coach of the Year for football. Rick Van Horne is the author of Friday Night Heroes: 100 Years of Driller Football.
Benny Mares is a retired Los Angeles Police Department police officer and former international bodyguard. Today, he is a child safety consultant and speaker throughout the Pacific Northwest. Benny Mares is the author of Executive Protection: A Professional's Guide To Bodyguarding and Child Safety 101.
According to the description of Child Safety 101, “Is your child a potential victim? Child safety is every parent's first priority. Retired LAPD officer Benny Mares relates 101+ straightforward safety tips to assist parents in protecting against child molesters, abductors, and pedophiles. A must-read for parents.” now hosts 900 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1903 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Tony Newsom joined the Los Angeles Police Department in 1989. In 1992, he was assigned to the West Valley Division, working with juveniles in the Jeopardy Program. He briefly left the Los Angeles Police Department to form his own personal protection company. Tony Newsom rejoined the Los Angeles Police Department in 2003 and works in the area of community relations. Tony Newsom is the author of Top 10 Crimes - Don't Be the Next Victim, Student Safety Tips: 45 That Every 3rd - 5th Grader Must Know, Middle School Student Safety Tips, High School Student Safety Tips, College Student Safety Tips, Student Safety Tips: 40 That Every 1st - 2nd Grader Must Know and The Parent's Guide For Raising Safer K-12 Students.
According to the book description of Top 10 Crimes, Don’t Be the Next Victim “will help you: Learn how to prevent date rape; Teach your children (and yourself) how to avoid predators; Discover how to avoid dangerous ATM robberies; Find out how to recognize scams and cons before it is too late.”
Other police officers who were added include:
Dr. Michael H. Corcoran has been in the law enforcement field since 1968 and the threat assessment field since 1970 when he entered the United States Secret Service. While in the Protective Intelligence Squad, he assessed the dangerousness of those threatening the President and Vice President of the United States. From 1979 to 2002, he served with the Huntington Beach Police Department (California) as a police officer, sergeant, station commander and chief hostage negotiator. Michael Corcoran is the co-author of Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner's Handbook.
After ten years with the Kern County Sheriff’s Office, Rick Van Horne began teaching in for the Kern High School District. As a third-generation Bakersfield High School alumnus who became a Friday Night Hero, as did his father and son as championship players for the BHS Drillers. Rick Van Horne began his coaching career at BHS in 1984. He later served as head coach at East High and Liberty High (where he guided his team to a Valley Championship in 2001). In 1998, Rick Van Horne was selected All-Area Coach of the Year for football. Rick Van Horne is the author of Friday Night Heroes: 100 Years of Driller Football.
Benny Mares is a retired Los Angeles Police Department police officer and former international bodyguard. Today, he is a child safety consultant and speaker throughout the Pacific Northwest. Benny Mares is the author of Executive Protection: A Professional's Guide To Bodyguarding and Child Safety 101.
According to the description of Child Safety 101, “Is your child a potential victim? Child safety is every parent's first priority. Retired LAPD officer Benny Mares relates 101+ straightforward safety tips to assist parents in protecting against child molesters, abductors, and pedophiles. A must-read for parents.” now hosts 900 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1903 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Books by California Cops
March 28, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added books by three police officers from California.
In addition to being a former Costa Mesa Police Department police officer, William Sanders is a United Methodist Pastor. He has earned a BA and MS, as well as a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degree. Chaplain William Sanders is a member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, and the International Critical Stress Foundation. William Sanders is a Certified Master Chaplain by the International Conference of Police Chaplains, a Certified Traumatic Responder by the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists; and, is trained in Critical Incident Stress Management. William Sanders is the author of Law Enforcement Funeral Manual: A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies When Faced With the Death of a Member of Their Department.
Steve Tarani is a police officer for the Del Rey Oaks Police Department (California) where he serves as a senior defensive tactics and a firearms instructor. An internationally respected contact weapons and personal safety expert, Steve Tarani is a defensive tactics instructor and author who provide high-profile operational skills consultation and training for various law enforcement and military agencies worldwide. His training courses have been accepted as standard curriculum for a number of federal and state-accredited programs within the criminal justice training community. Steve Tarani is the author of four books: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight; Folding Knives: Carry and Deployment; The Naked Edge: The Complete Guide to Edged Weapons Defense; and, Karambit: Exotic Weapon of the Indonesian Archipelago.
According to Lawrence Kane, the author of Surviving Armed Assaults, “Steve Tarani is a Filipino Escrima and Indonesian Silat practitioner as well as a world renowned edged weapons combat instructor. In that capacity he has passed his skills along to thousands of law enforcement professionals and civilian practitioners. He is certainly knows his stuff and communicates it pretty effectively in this book.”
Dr. Richard H. Walton has over thirty-five years of law enforcement experience. Richard Walton served with the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office (California) for sixteen years during which time he earned his Master’s Degree in Education. In 1987 he was promoted to District Attorney Investigator with the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office where he gained extensive experience and expertise in homicide, arson, white-collar crime, elder abuse, and fraud investigations. Richard Walton is the author of Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques.
According to the book description of Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques, it “provides effective and accessible information to those responsible for investigating and resolving previously examined - but still unsolved - cold case homicides. The book merges theory with practice through the use of case histories, photographs, illustrations, and checklists that convey essential, fundamental concepts while providing a strong, practical basis for the investigative process. It combines proven techniques from forensics, psychology, and criminal investigation, and focuses on technologies that may not have been available at the time of the crime.” now hosts 896 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1891 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
In addition to being a former Costa Mesa Police Department police officer, William Sanders is a United Methodist Pastor. He has earned a BA and MS, as well as a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry degree. Chaplain William Sanders is a member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, and the International Critical Stress Foundation. William Sanders is a Certified Master Chaplain by the International Conference of Police Chaplains, a Certified Traumatic Responder by the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists; and, is trained in Critical Incident Stress Management. William Sanders is the author of Law Enforcement Funeral Manual: A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies When Faced With the Death of a Member of Their Department.
Steve Tarani is a police officer for the Del Rey Oaks Police Department (California) where he serves as a senior defensive tactics and a firearms instructor. An internationally respected contact weapons and personal safety expert, Steve Tarani is a defensive tactics instructor and author who provide high-profile operational skills consultation and training for various law enforcement and military agencies worldwide. His training courses have been accepted as standard curriculum for a number of federal and state-accredited programs within the criminal justice training community. Steve Tarani is the author of four books: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight; Folding Knives: Carry and Deployment; The Naked Edge: The Complete Guide to Edged Weapons Defense; and, Karambit: Exotic Weapon of the Indonesian Archipelago.
According to Lawrence Kane, the author of Surviving Armed Assaults, “Steve Tarani is a Filipino Escrima and Indonesian Silat practitioner as well as a world renowned edged weapons combat instructor. In that capacity he has passed his skills along to thousands of law enforcement professionals and civilian practitioners. He is certainly knows his stuff and communicates it pretty effectively in this book.”
Dr. Richard H. Walton has over thirty-five years of law enforcement experience. Richard Walton served with the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office (California) for sixteen years during which time he earned his Master’s Degree in Education. In 1987 he was promoted to District Attorney Investigator with the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office where he gained extensive experience and expertise in homicide, arson, white-collar crime, elder abuse, and fraud investigations. Richard Walton is the author of Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques.
According to the book description of Cold Case Homicides: Practical Investigative Techniques, it “provides effective and accessible information to those responsible for investigating and resolving previously examined - but still unsolved - cold case homicides. The book merges theory with practice through the use of case histories, photographs, illustrations, and checklists that convey essential, fundamental concepts while providing a strong, practical basis for the investigative process. It combines proven techniques from forensics, psychology, and criminal investigation, and focuses on technologies that may not have been available at the time of the crime.” now hosts 896 police officers (representing 389 police departments) and their 1891 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Smith, Leonard and Wansley
March 26, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added three police officers Brian Smith, V. A. Leonard and Larry Wansley.
Brian Smith joined the United States Marine Corps after graduating from high school. In 1984, he joined the California Highway Patrol, rising to the rank of captain. Brian Smith is the author of We Were 17 Again.
According to the book description, “There are numerous books, songs, shows and movies that deal with going back to the past, whether it’s a time machine, dream, boy or girlfriend story, or class reunion. Many of them are enjoyable because the reader gets to visit the past. Life always seemed easier in our childhood days and many long to return to those days. In "We Were 17 Again", not only do you get the chance to return to 17 years old again, you get to return to high school with your entire school.”
According to Academic Politics and the History of Criminal Justice Education, “between 1925 and 1932, V.A. Leonard was a part-time student at the University of California and a full-time police officer in the Berkeley Police Department. V.A. Leonard founded Alpha Phi Sigma, the criminal justice honor’s society, in 1942. He received his Ph.D. in Criminology and Public Administration. The V.A. Leonard Scholarship was established in 1982 in honor and recognition of Dr. Leonard’s leadership and hard work in the field of Criminal Justice. V. A. Leonard is the author or co-author of 16 books: Police Organization and Management; Police of the Twentieth Century; Police Science for the Young American; Police Organization and Management; Police Personnel Administration; Police Traffic Control; The Police Communications System; Police pre-disaster Preparation; Survey of the Seattle Police Department; The Police Enterprise: It’s Organization and Management; Memories of August Vollmer; Academy Lectures on Lie Detection; Police Detective Function; The General Administration of Criminal Justice; Police Crime Prevention; and, The Police, the Judiciary, and the Criminal.
According to the description of Police Organization and Management, “This work describes the basic tenets of organization theory and applies them to the police setting. It describes the problems of integrating the individual into the organization, responding to change through community policing, motivation, leadership, and productivity.”
Larry Wansley began his law enforcement career with the Compton Police Department. He then went on to a10 year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he spent eight years in various uncover roles. In 1986, Larry Wansley left the Federal Bureau of Investigation to become the Director of Security and Counseling Services for the Dallas Cowboys Football team. Larry Wansley went on to become the Managing Director for Corporate Services with American Airlines. After his retirement from American Airlines in 2004, he assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer for Infinite Security. Larry Wansley is the author of FBI Undercover: The True Story of Special Agent Mandrake.
According to the FBI, “On TV and in the movies, FBI undercover agents are a dime a dozen. But in reality, only an elite handful have the unique combination of wit, instinct and daring to work these highly dangerous scams. For 10 years, Larry Wansley was one of them.” now hosts 893 police officers (representing 388 police departments) and their 1885 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Brian Smith joined the United States Marine Corps after graduating from high school. In 1984, he joined the California Highway Patrol, rising to the rank of captain. Brian Smith is the author of We Were 17 Again.
According to the book description, “There are numerous books, songs, shows and movies that deal with going back to the past, whether it’s a time machine, dream, boy or girlfriend story, or class reunion. Many of them are enjoyable because the reader gets to visit the past. Life always seemed easier in our childhood days and many long to return to those days. In "We Were 17 Again", not only do you get the chance to return to 17 years old again, you get to return to high school with your entire school.”
According to Academic Politics and the History of Criminal Justice Education, “between 1925 and 1932, V.A. Leonard was a part-time student at the University of California and a full-time police officer in the Berkeley Police Department. V.A. Leonard founded Alpha Phi Sigma, the criminal justice honor’s society, in 1942. He received his Ph.D. in Criminology and Public Administration. The V.A. Leonard Scholarship was established in 1982 in honor and recognition of Dr. Leonard’s leadership and hard work in the field of Criminal Justice. V. A. Leonard is the author or co-author of 16 books: Police Organization and Management; Police of the Twentieth Century; Police Science for the Young American; Police Organization and Management; Police Personnel Administration; Police Traffic Control; The Police Communications System; Police pre-disaster Preparation; Survey of the Seattle Police Department; The Police Enterprise: It’s Organization and Management; Memories of August Vollmer; Academy Lectures on Lie Detection; Police Detective Function; The General Administration of Criminal Justice; Police Crime Prevention; and, The Police, the Judiciary, and the Criminal.
According to the description of Police Organization and Management, “This work describes the basic tenets of organization theory and applies them to the police setting. It describes the problems of integrating the individual into the organization, responding to change through community policing, motivation, leadership, and productivity.”
Larry Wansley began his law enforcement career with the Compton Police Department. He then went on to a10 year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he spent eight years in various uncover roles. In 1986, Larry Wansley left the Federal Bureau of Investigation to become the Director of Security and Counseling Services for the Dallas Cowboys Football team. Larry Wansley went on to become the Managing Director for Corporate Services with American Airlines. After his retirement from American Airlines in 2004, he assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer for Infinite Security. Larry Wansley is the author of FBI Undercover: The True Story of Special Agent Mandrake.
According to the FBI, “On TV and in the movies, FBI undercover agents are a dime a dozen. But in reality, only an elite handful have the unique combination of wit, instinct and daring to work these highly dangerous scams. For 10 years, Larry Wansley was one of them.” now hosts 893 police officers (representing 388 police departments) and their 1885 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Monday, March 24, 2008
California Police Officers
March 23, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added three police officers from California.
Seth Goldstein was a police officer for the Berkeley Police Department for 13 years. During his time with the Berkeley Police Department he served in Patrol, Service and the Detective Division. On the Berkeley Police Department, Seth Goldstein worked for two years as a juvenile officer. Seth Goldstein is the Executive Director of the Child Abuse Forensic Institute, which he founded in 1992. The Institute assists parents in Family Law, Juvenile, and Personal Injury matters wherein child abuse allegations have arisen.
Seth Goldstein is the author of The Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation, and Intervention and Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation: Law Enforcement's Role; and, the co-author of Raising Safe Kids in an Unsafe World: 30 Simple Ways to Prevent Your Child from Being Lost, Abducted, or Abused.
According to the book description of The Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation, and Intervention, the “Second Edition discusses the new and different developments in the manifestation of problems involved in investigation and assessment of sexual cases and offers advice on dealing with these issues. This updated and completely revised handbook guides anyone who needs to investigate or assess child sexual abuse allegations through the essential steps of enquiry.”
Samuel Chapman has served as a Berkeley Police Department police officer, a police consultant, an assistant professor in the School of Police Administration at Michigan State University, and as undersheriff of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in Portland, Oregon. In 1965 he was named assistant director of President Johnson’s Commission on Law Enforcement Administration and Justice.
After the 1967 report, Samuel Chapman was appointed professor of political science at the University of Oklahoma in the Police Administration Program, where he served for 24 years. Samuel Chapman is an expert on police use of deadly force and the use of canine units. Samuel G. Chapman is the author, co-author or editor of ten books: Police Dogs in North America; Cops, Killers and Staying Alive: The Murder of Police Officers in America; Police Patrol: Operations and Management; Police Administration: A Critical Study of Police Organizations in the United States and Abroad; Police Patrol Readings; An Analysis of Assaults on Police Officers in Forty-Six Cities; A Descriptive Profile of the Assault Incident; Dogs in Police Work in Oklahoma; Introduction and Methodology to the Study of Police Assaults in the South Central United States; Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures.
Andrew O'Hara is a retired California Highway Patrol patrolman who spent much of his boyhood and career in the Sacramento Valley. He is the author of The Swan: Tales of the Sacramento Valley. According to the book description, “Much has been written about the rich history of the Sacramento Valley - the Gold Rush of 1849, Sutter's Fort, the Donner Party and the Pony Express. The Swan" brings you tales inspired by the people who live in the valley today: their dreams, their hopes and loves, their weaknesses and their personal tragedies. Beginning with two children who meet in a field under the stars to face life and death together, author Andrew O'Hara explores how ordinary people face extraordinary challenges with quiet determination and unseen heroism.” now hosts 890 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1867 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Seth Goldstein was a police officer for the Berkeley Police Department for 13 years. During his time with the Berkeley Police Department he served in Patrol, Service and the Detective Division. On the Berkeley Police Department, Seth Goldstein worked for two years as a juvenile officer. Seth Goldstein is the Executive Director of the Child Abuse Forensic Institute, which he founded in 1992. The Institute assists parents in Family Law, Juvenile, and Personal Injury matters wherein child abuse allegations have arisen.
Seth Goldstein is the author of The Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation, and Intervention and Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation: Law Enforcement's Role; and, the co-author of Raising Safe Kids in an Unsafe World: 30 Simple Ways to Prevent Your Child from Being Lost, Abducted, or Abused.
According to the book description of The Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation, and Intervention, the “Second Edition discusses the new and different developments in the manifestation of problems involved in investigation and assessment of sexual cases and offers advice on dealing with these issues. This updated and completely revised handbook guides anyone who needs to investigate or assess child sexual abuse allegations through the essential steps of enquiry.”
Samuel Chapman has served as a Berkeley Police Department police officer, a police consultant, an assistant professor in the School of Police Administration at Michigan State University, and as undersheriff of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in Portland, Oregon. In 1965 he was named assistant director of President Johnson’s Commission on Law Enforcement Administration and Justice.
After the 1967 report, Samuel Chapman was appointed professor of political science at the University of Oklahoma in the Police Administration Program, where he served for 24 years. Samuel Chapman is an expert on police use of deadly force and the use of canine units. Samuel G. Chapman is the author, co-author or editor of ten books: Police Dogs in North America; Cops, Killers and Staying Alive: The Murder of Police Officers in America; Police Patrol: Operations and Management; Police Administration: A Critical Study of Police Organizations in the United States and Abroad; Police Patrol Readings; An Analysis of Assaults on Police Officers in Forty-Six Cities; A Descriptive Profile of the Assault Incident; Dogs in Police Work in Oklahoma; Introduction and Methodology to the Study of Police Assaults in the South Central United States; Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures.
Andrew O'Hara is a retired California Highway Patrol patrolman who spent much of his boyhood and career in the Sacramento Valley. He is the author of The Swan: Tales of the Sacramento Valley. According to the book description, “Much has been written about the rich history of the Sacramento Valley - the Gold Rush of 1849, Sutter's Fort, the Donner Party and the Pony Express. The Swan" brings you tales inspired by the people who live in the valley today: their dreams, their hopes and loves, their weaknesses and their personal tragedies. Beginning with two children who meet in a field under the stars to face life and death together, author Andrew O'Hara explores how ordinary people face extraordinary challenges with quiet determination and unseen heroism.” now hosts 890 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1867 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Closing in on 900
March 23, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The addition of three police officers the website now lists close to 900 state and local police officers who have written books.
Brian Bugge, a former sergeant with the Suffolk County Police Department (New York) has had a lengthy law enforcement career. Currently, he is Senior Advisor with International Risk Intelligence. Currently, Brian Bugge is the Director of Security and School Safety with Edison Schools. In his past capacities, he has been a Director with Kroll; a security consultant with EDI; a New York City Corrections Officer; and, an investigative aide with the U.S. Secret Service.
Brian Bugge is an Adjunct Associate Professor, Suffolk County Community College. He teaches courses at both The University of Phoenix (Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice; Terrorism; and, Cyber Crime) and Southwestern College (Personnel Investigations). Brian Bugge received his BS in Police Science and his MA in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Brian Bugge is the author of The Mystique of Conspiracy: Oswald, Castro, and the CIA.
According to the book description of The Mystique of Conspiracy: Oswald, Castro, and the CIA, “The Mystique of Conspiracy delves into the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination. It focuses mainly on anti-Castro Cuban exiles and their relationship with the CIA, but it also offers an excellent framework to gauge the "plausibility" of any conspiracy theory.”
Captain Harold McCormick, Suffolk County Police Department (ret.), began his 30 year law enforcement career in 1960. Harold McCormick is the author of Street Cop: The Dark Side of Suburbia. According to the book description of Street Cop: The Dark Side of Suburbia, “This book is unique - it takes the reader into the world of one of America's leading suburban police departments as officers tackle major cases: murders, cop shootings, prostitution, grave robbing, rapes and high-speed pursuits. The police officers in the book tell of the savage murders of children, sniper attacks on innocent victims, of serial killers on the prowl, brutal line of duty police officer deaths and the stretched thin blue line that separates these men and women from the soccer games, backyard barbecues and swimming pools of suburbia.
Robert Olson began his law enforcement careers in the 1960s. He has been the chief of police of three departments and in 1995, became the Chief of Police of the Minneapolis Police Department. Robert Olson co-authored Community Wellness: A New Theory of Policing, along with Robert Wadman (former chief of the Omaha Police Department). now hosts 885 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1849 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Brian Bugge, a former sergeant with the Suffolk County Police Department (New York) has had a lengthy law enforcement career. Currently, he is Senior Advisor with International Risk Intelligence. Currently, Brian Bugge is the Director of Security and School Safety with Edison Schools. In his past capacities, he has been a Director with Kroll; a security consultant with EDI; a New York City Corrections Officer; and, an investigative aide with the U.S. Secret Service.
Brian Bugge is an Adjunct Associate Professor, Suffolk County Community College. He teaches courses at both The University of Phoenix (Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice; Terrorism; and, Cyber Crime) and Southwestern College (Personnel Investigations). Brian Bugge received his BS in Police Science and his MA in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Brian Bugge is the author of The Mystique of Conspiracy: Oswald, Castro, and the CIA.
According to the book description of The Mystique of Conspiracy: Oswald, Castro, and the CIA, “The Mystique of Conspiracy delves into the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination. It focuses mainly on anti-Castro Cuban exiles and their relationship with the CIA, but it also offers an excellent framework to gauge the "plausibility" of any conspiracy theory.”
Captain Harold McCormick, Suffolk County Police Department (ret.), began his 30 year law enforcement career in 1960. Harold McCormick is the author of Street Cop: The Dark Side of Suburbia. According to the book description of Street Cop: The Dark Side of Suburbia, “This book is unique - it takes the reader into the world of one of America's leading suburban police departments as officers tackle major cases: murders, cop shootings, prostitution, grave robbing, rapes and high-speed pursuits. The police officers in the book tell of the savage murders of children, sniper attacks on innocent victims, of serial killers on the prowl, brutal line of duty police officer deaths and the stretched thin blue line that separates these men and women from the soccer games, backyard barbecues and swimming pools of suburbia.
Robert Olson began his law enforcement careers in the 1960s. He has been the chief of police of three departments and in 1995, became the Chief of Police of the Minneapolis Police Department. Robert Olson co-authored Community Wellness: A New Theory of Policing, along with Robert Wadman (former chief of the Omaha Police Department). now hosts 885 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1849 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
New York State Police Officers
March 20, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) is a website that lists state and local police officers who have written books. The website added three police officers from three different New York State law enforcement agencies.
Peter S. Griffin enlisted in the U.S. Army on 13 March 1964 and was honorably discharged on 10 March 1967. After discharge Peter Griffin attended the Police Academy at Syracuse, New York and served as a Police Officer for the Oswego Police Department (New York) for over ten years. Peter Griffin is the author of When You Hear The Bugle Call: Battling PTSD and the Unraveling of the American Conscience.
According to the book description of When You Hear The Bugle Call: Battling PTSD and the Unraveling of the American Conscience, it “is a compelling, poignant and straightforward presentation of sickness and healing, righteousness opposing wrong doing, and the eventual triumph of the human spirit despite overwhelming obstacles and barriers. This very personal account of war and its aftermath was written to benefit combat veterans agonized by severe and chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), composed by one who is living the nightmare, one of their own, a fellow warrior. In the broader scope, this account is meant to help them, and their friends and loved ones to better understand this overwhelming psychological, involuntary, and innate response to continual, life threatening situations.”
Inspector Norman Denny, New York State Police (ret.), is the author of Manual for Police of New York State. According to the book description, “The most complete, accurate and timely information available for law enforcement in New York State. A compilation of a broad range of information sources vital to success.”
William Tolhurst began his law enforcement career in 1962 and quickly became a leader in the field of training and dog handling. He served as president of the North American Search Dog Network, and previously served three terms as the president of the National Police Bloodhound Association. Throughout his long career as a special deputy with the Niagara County Sheriff's Department, William Tolhurst has met every challenge. His expertise has been used throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. Every trail backed by his bloodhound testimony has resulted in conviction.
William Tolhurst is the author of Manhunters!: Hounds of the Big T and The Police Textbook for Dog Handlers. now hosts 879 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1843 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.
Peter S. Griffin enlisted in the U.S. Army on 13 March 1964 and was honorably discharged on 10 March 1967. After discharge Peter Griffin attended the Police Academy at Syracuse, New York and served as a Police Officer for the Oswego Police Department (New York) for over ten years. Peter Griffin is the author of When You Hear The Bugle Call: Battling PTSD and the Unraveling of the American Conscience.
According to the book description of When You Hear The Bugle Call: Battling PTSD and the Unraveling of the American Conscience, it “is a compelling, poignant and straightforward presentation of sickness and healing, righteousness opposing wrong doing, and the eventual triumph of the human spirit despite overwhelming obstacles and barriers. This very personal account of war and its aftermath was written to benefit combat veterans agonized by severe and chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), composed by one who is living the nightmare, one of their own, a fellow warrior. In the broader scope, this account is meant to help them, and their friends and loved ones to better understand this overwhelming psychological, involuntary, and innate response to continual, life threatening situations.”
Inspector Norman Denny, New York State Police (ret.), is the author of Manual for Police of New York State. According to the book description, “The most complete, accurate and timely information available for law enforcement in New York State. A compilation of a broad range of information sources vital to success.”
William Tolhurst began his law enforcement career in 1962 and quickly became a leader in the field of training and dog handling. He served as president of the North American Search Dog Network, and previously served three terms as the president of the National Police Bloodhound Association. Throughout his long career as a special deputy with the Niagara County Sheriff's Department, William Tolhurst has met every challenge. His expertise has been used throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. Every trail backed by his bloodhound testimony has resulted in conviction.
William Tolhurst is the author of Manhunters!: Hounds of the Big T and The Police Textbook for Dog Handlers. now hosts 879 police officers (representing 385 police departments) and their 1843 police books in 32 categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.

A recent reader review of Leadership: Texas Hold ‘em Style:
“Raymond Foster has demonstrated his knowledge of leadership very thoroughly in this book. Coming from the LAPD, he draws upon his experience as a mid-level manager by using humor and anecdotes so aspiring supervisors and managers can develop their individual skills. I am a retired police captin from Newark, NJ and wish I had the book during the promotional testing process. Now, I am using the book in my consulting practice--very relevant, very practical and an easy read!”
About the book
Using poker as analogy for leadership, Captain Andrew Harvey, CPD (ret.), Ed.D. and Lieutenant Raymond Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA found the right mix of practical experience and academic credentials to write a definitive book for leaders. Working together, Harvey and Foster have written Leadership: Texas Hold em Style. Most often leaders find they are given a set of resources people, equipment, funds, experience and a mission. As Foster noted, "You're dealt a certain hand. How you play that hand as a leader determines your success."
More than a book: A fun and entertaining journey through leadership that includes an interactive website to supplement knowledge gained from the book.
Proven and Tested: Not an academic approach to leadership, but rather a road-tested guide that has been developed through 50-years of author experience.
High Impact: Through the use of perspective, reflection, and knowledge, provides information that turns leadership potential into leadership practice.
Ease of Application: Theory is reinforced with real-life experience, which results in accessible and practical tools leaders can put to use immediately.
High Road Approach: Personal character and ethical beliefs are woven into each leadership approach, so leaders do the right thing for the right reasons.
Uses Game of Poker: Rather than a dry approach that is all fact and no flavor, the game of poker is used as a lens through which to view leadership concepts.
More Information
“Raymond Foster has demonstrated his knowledge of leadership very thoroughly in this book. Coming from the LAPD, he draws upon his experience as a mid-level manager by using humor and anecdotes so aspiring supervisors and managers can develop their individual skills. I am a retired police captin from Newark, NJ and wish I had the book during the promotional testing process. Now, I am using the book in my consulting practice--very relevant, very practical and an easy read!”
About the book
Using poker as analogy for leadership, Captain Andrew Harvey, CPD (ret.), Ed.D. and Lieutenant Raymond Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA found the right mix of practical experience and academic credentials to write a definitive book for leaders. Working together, Harvey and Foster have written Leadership: Texas Hold em Style. Most often leaders find they are given a set of resources people, equipment, funds, experience and a mission. As Foster noted, "You're dealt a certain hand. How you play that hand as a leader determines your success."
More than a book: A fun and entertaining journey through leadership that includes an interactive website to supplement knowledge gained from the book.
Proven and Tested: Not an academic approach to leadership, but rather a road-tested guide that has been developed through 50-years of author experience.
High Impact: Through the use of perspective, reflection, and knowledge, provides information that turns leadership potential into leadership practice.
Ease of Application: Theory is reinforced with real-life experience, which results in accessible and practical tools leaders can put to use immediately.
High Road Approach: Personal character and ethical beliefs are woven into each leadership approach, so leaders do the right thing for the right reasons.
Uses Game of Poker: Rather than a dry approach that is all fact and no flavor, the game of poker is used as a lens through which to view leadership concepts.
More Information
andrew j. harvey,
raymond foster
Friday, March 21, 2008
Cop Out
March 21, 2008 (San Dimas, CA) The March 26, 2008 program of Conversations with Cops at The Watering Hole features an interview with former New Orleans Police Department officer and author of Cop Out.
Program Date: March 26, 2008
Program Time: 2100 hours, Pacific
Topic: Author Interview
Guests: Robert Davis
Listen Live:
About the Guest
Robert Davis is a former police officer with the New Orleans Police Department. At the age of 22 he joined the New Orleans Police Department; after two years on the job he was arrested for police related corruption and facing 30 years in prison. Rather than face the charges he fled, becoming a fugitive for over 20 years.
Robert Davis’ book, Cop Out, “is a true account of how a former police officer survived as a fugitive while evading authorities and eventually surrendered to God. This narrative approach of survival and skill encompasses a diversity of stories and experiences, including life in wooded terrain and survival as a fugitive for over twenty years. This account serves as a means for the readers to envision challenges as a true survivor leading to surrender regardless of the outcome. Reflections are provided to aid readers' understanding of this lengthy journey from periods of atheism to acceptance of God.”
About the Watering Hole
The Watering Hole is police slang for a location cops go off-duty to blow off steam and talk about work and life. Sometimes funny; sometimes serious; but, always interesting.
About the Host
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster was a sworn member of the Los Angeles Police Department for 24 years. He retired in 2003 at the rank of Lieutenant. He holds a bachelor’s from the Union Institute and University in Criminal Justice Management and a Master’s Degree in Public Financial Management from California State University, Fullerton; and, has completed his doctoral course work. Raymond has been a part-time lecturer at California State University, Fullerton and Fresno; and is currently a faculty advisor and lecturer with the Union Institute and University. He has experience teaching upper division courses in law enforcement, public policy, technology and leadership. Raymond is an experienced author who has published numerous articles in a wide range of venues including magazines such as Government Technology, Mobile Government, Airborne Law Enforcement Magazine, and Police One. He has appeared on the History Channel and radio programs in the United States and Europe as subject matter expert in technological applications in law enforcement.
Listen, call, join us at the Watering Hole.
Program Contact Information
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA
Program Date: March 26, 2008
Program Time: 2100 hours, Pacific
Topic: Author Interview
Guests: Robert Davis
Listen Live:
About the Guest
Robert Davis is a former police officer with the New Orleans Police Department. At the age of 22 he joined the New Orleans Police Department; after two years on the job he was arrested for police related corruption and facing 30 years in prison. Rather than face the charges he fled, becoming a fugitive for over 20 years.
Robert Davis’ book, Cop Out, “is a true account of how a former police officer survived as a fugitive while evading authorities and eventually surrendered to God. This narrative approach of survival and skill encompasses a diversity of stories and experiences, including life in wooded terrain and survival as a fugitive for over twenty years. This account serves as a means for the readers to envision challenges as a true survivor leading to surrender regardless of the outcome. Reflections are provided to aid readers' understanding of this lengthy journey from periods of atheism to acceptance of God.”
About the Watering Hole
The Watering Hole is police slang for a location cops go off-duty to blow off steam and talk about work and life. Sometimes funny; sometimes serious; but, always interesting.
About the Host
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster was a sworn member of the Los Angeles Police Department for 24 years. He retired in 2003 at the rank of Lieutenant. He holds a bachelor’s from the Union Institute and University in Criminal Justice Management and a Master’s Degree in Public Financial Management from California State University, Fullerton; and, has completed his doctoral course work. Raymond has been a part-time lecturer at California State University, Fullerton and Fresno; and is currently a faculty advisor and lecturer with the Union Institute and University. He has experience teaching upper division courses in law enforcement, public policy, technology and leadership. Raymond is an experienced author who has published numerous articles in a wide range of venues including magazines such as Government Technology, Mobile Government, Airborne Law Enforcement Magazine, and Police One. He has appeared on the History Channel and radio programs in the United States and Europe as subject matter expert in technological applications in law enforcement.
Listen, call, join us at the Watering Hole.
Program Contact Information
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA
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