Sunday, September 13, 2009

Patriots Day 2009

I was a D.C. cop for 35 years and in that capacity I have experienced many different protests and demonstrations. I was always on the other side of the fence and made arrests or processed 100s of demonstrators and protesters. I believed that most of these people were misguided into believing that their protest would make a difference. Many of these people were very passionate about their cause, while others were there for the thrill or just to say they were there. The only protest that I thought made a difference was the Vietnam Veterans who marched and then lobbied their individual congress members. They changed a few minds and opened a few more.

Today, I was part of history. I stood on the West lawn of the United States Capitol along with thousands of other concerned Americans. My participation was easy as I only live 25 minutes from the Capitol. Of course, I was there because, like so many of the other patriots around me, I wanted to have a voice. These patriots sacrificed much more coming from all over the country to show our Congress and our President how we feel about the Healthcare Bill, Cap and Trade, Immigration, Deficits, acorn and higher taxes.

America has awakened from being Nixon’s silent majority to being a loud voice for Freedom and fair representation of our values and beliefs. Speaker after speaker spoke of our country’s history, our country’s future and how this public Tea Party in the Nation’s Capitol would make a difference with our elected leaders.

People sang songs and lead chants of USA, USA and Don’t Tread on Me. Signs accused President Obama of lying, promoting socialism and trying to cripple the CIA and our heroic troops. Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank were also deserved targets of ridicule for their ignorant remarks and deceit. Taxes and the Healthcare Bill were the main focus of descent, while immigration and the deficit seemed to creep into every oratorical lament.

This crowd believes in America. Believes in what she means to the world. Believes in our sacred Constitution and our individual rights. Although this massive gathering of concerned and dedicated Americans will undoubtedly send a clear message to Congress and the President. The real message will be experienced in 2010 when the voters of America exercise their right to be represented by someone who believes in the people, the Constitution and Freedom.

Joseph B. Haggerty Sr.

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