Monday, May 04, 2015

U.S. Marshals/HIDTA Successfully Complete 2nd Phase of Crisis Intervention Training for New Mexico Area Law Enforcement

Las Cruces, NM - On April 27, 2015, the District of New Mexico USMS (U.S. Marshals Service) along with NM HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) began the second wave of training for Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) certification course throughout New Mexico. The USMS and NM HIDTA have begun to take proactive steps to providing enhanced training when dealing with crisis intervention that includes de-escalation of volatile situations, and mental health awareness. NM HIDTA and the USMS will offer two more CIT certification courses throughout 2015. It is the joint objective to provide this training to as many law enforcement officers as possible within the state of New Mexico, thereby benefiting the entire law enforcement community and its citizens.

The CIT course will be available to federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement personnel. This intensive training is the gold standard for all Public Safety Psychology Group LLC (PSPG) courses. Simple approaches to crisis situations will be addressed and the Strategic Advantage philosophy to crisis management will be discussed. A significant hands-on scenario component (with a minimum of ten hours) is included in the course. The goal of the class is to enhance the “perishable skill set” of active listening in order to provide another tool for field officers. CIT certification is obtained after successful completion of the class (i.e. passed scenario evaluations and a written exam).

U.S. Marshal Conrad E. Candelaria said “The course offers law enforcement the opportunity to practice scenarios and to receive feedback from course instructors who have prior law enforcement experience. The course also presents the chance for different attending agencies to work with each other in high stress scenarios, and apply de-escalation techniques essential when dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness.” Candelaria also commented that “Safety is paramount for all the parties involved. That includes the first responders, those suffering from mental illness and the community as a whole.”

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