Sunday, December 06, 2009

State Highway Safety Association Praises NHTSA Nominee David Strickland Will Help Lead Nation Toward Zero Deaths

Statement for Attribution to Barbara Harsha, Executive Director of the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) applauds President Obama's selection of David Strickland to lead the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

As a longtime staff member of the Senate Commerce Committee, Mr. Strickland is extremely familiar with the behavioral highway safety programs administered by GHSA members. In fact, he was a major contributor to the safety portions of the current highway authorization bill known as the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).

Over the years, Mr. Strickland has met with the GHSA leadership and Executive Board numerous times. He is extremely knowledgeable and focused on how to reduce highway deaths and injuries and has always been cognizant of the key role states play in achieving highway safety progress.

Earlier this year, GHSA announced our ambitious "Toward Zero Deaths: Every Life Counts" ( initiative to end traffic fatalities. To achieve such an aggressive goal, effective national leadership is needed from the White House and NHTSA. Mr. Strickland's strong safety background, coupled with his firsthand knowledge of how to effectively work with Congress and the states, will greatly accelerate the advancement toward this goal.

I urge the Senate to quickly confirm David Strickland's nomination, and I look forward to continuing our excellent working relationship.

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)® is a nonprofit association representing the highway safety offices of states, territories, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. GHSA provides leadership and representation for the states and territories to improve traffic safety, influence national policy and enhance program management. Its members are appointed by their Governors to administer federal and state highway safety funds and implement state highway safety plans. Contact GHSA at 202-789-0942 or visit

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