Thursday, May 26, 2016

2016 Specialized Analytic Seminar Series

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is holding a 2016 Specialized Analytic Seminar Series to provide dynamic and focused peer-to-peer analytic collaboration. Participation is targeted to state and major urban area fusion center personnel, and personnel from High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Investigative Support Centers, Regional Information Sharing Systems Centers and major city/county intelligence units. Each seminar addresses a specialized-threat topic area and the associated patterns, trends, skills and resources necessary to effectively monitor and evaluate potential threats in the attendees' areas of responsibility. The 2016 series includes the following sessions:
  • Jail/Correctional Intelligence: June 21-;22, 2016, Minneapolis, MN
  • Social Media and Open Source: September 6-7, 2016, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Topic to be Determined: December 6-7, 2016, Jackson, MS
Register at

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