Tuesday, January 12, 2010

GHSA Supports New Distracted Driving Organization

Statement for Attribution to Vernon F. Betkey Jr., Chairman, Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)

Congratulations to the National Safety Council for launching FocusDriven, a new nonprofit organization that will empower distracted driving victims to transform their grief into positive action. The distracted driving issue needs to be addressed on at least three fronts -- education, enforcement and technology. FocusDriven will provide a new means to educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and raise awareness of the issue much like MADD has done with drunk driving. It will also be an excellent resource for garnering support for legislation and will help put a face on this complex and difficult highway safety issue.

I also want to acknowledge Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood for his continued vocal leadership on distracted driving. It is unprecedented for someone in his position to be so visible on a behavioral highway safety issue. GHSA Members commend his involvement and look forward to a continued strong state and federal highway safety partnership.

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