Thursday, August 17, 2017

New NIJ Policing Strategic Research Plan

The rigors of policing have become increasingly complicated by the expanding roles of the police that require officers to protect the nation against foreign and domestic threats; combat and deter crime; and respond to calls for service from the public. At the same time, the police have been subjected to unprovoked and premeditated attacks and hostility from various members of the community that they are sworn to protect. All of these factors have resulted in a broader discussion involving the need to support policing through science.
The National Institute of Justice's new Policing Strategic Research Plan 2017-2022 delves into agency research goals and priorities for the next five years, including:
  • Promote and Support Research to Optimize Workforce Development for Officers and Civilian Personnel
  • Promote and Support Research on Policing Practices
  • Promote and Support Research on the Relationship Between Policing and Communities
Learn more about these strategic priorities and download the plan at To read the Director's Corner message about this research plan, go to

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