Sunday, September 26, 2010

El Rey del Tiempo: It's Not What You Think

Falling at 120 m.p.h. from an altitude of five miles high, the Special Forces Major transmits, over his encrypted radio, to his unit, which is scattered about him, “There’s nothing like dropping in unexpectedly for dinner! Is there, ladies?”

“You ought to know, Major. Was that Billy Bob that came home too soon to meet his wife after that last mission?”

“Now, don’t be getting’ subordinate with me. I can rattle off 100 stories for every one of you girlie-boys,” the Major protests with a smile.

Just another assignment earmarked by the Commander-In-Chief, they carry out their missions, no matter the task. “What’s a guy or a gal got to do for lunch money these days?”

“We don’t get paid nothing, Major. But, look at all the fun we have!”

“Who we gonna kill this time, Major?” asks one of the free-falling soldiers.

“Depends on what they do, Sergeant. Might have to kill ours and theirs,” the Major replies, frankly.


Available in the first quarter of 2011. - Roger

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